Stuck Out’s lyrics resonate like that familiar internal monologue we all shared when we discovered one simple truth: growing up is not all it’s cracked up to be. Navigating the ins and outs of complex relationships, while trying to find your place in a world that makes less sense by the day have become the cornerstone for the band’s lyrics, and they want to use every platform they can to help music lovers feel a little less alone. While some musicians play their cards quite close to their chest, Stuck Out have worn their heart on their sleeve since day one, and it has lead to them garnishing a keen and loyal fanbase.
The young four piece have made their way around Australia multiple times over the past few years off the back of their 2018 Greyscale Records debut EP ‘You Won’t Come Home’. They have supported acts such as As It Is, With Confidence, The Story So Far, and Senses Fail; enrapturing audiences with their blend of rock infused pop-punk that cuts through to a deeper layer of the human condition. The band can also now forever lay claim to playing the very first note ever played on a stage at the now staple of the Australian heavy music calendar, Good Things Festival.
2020 saw the band knuckle down to work on a follow up to their debut EP, and came out the other side with a very pointed EP titled ‘Lie Through Your Teeth’. Now the band & Greyscale Records look to the future as they add Sharptone Records to the team to help them push from one of the most exciting bands in Australia, to one of the biggest in the world.